Saturday, December 29, 2012

  Unemployment, the “Fiscal Cliff” and the Salvation Army. The figures posted by our government agencies don’t always reflect the numbers that exist in the real world.

   I was watching the evening news recently and the local representative from the Salvation Army was expressing the huge concern that they were over $100,000.00 behind last year’s donation goals. His main message was that no matter what they are saying about an economic recovery, the reality is that there isn’t evidence of any recovery on the part of not for profit organizations. I wondered, “How is a nonprofit based organization going to raise enough support to survive”?

  After I started searching for resources that could help nonprofits raise revenue, I found the best solution I could have imagined. I clicked on and knew right away I had found an amazing fundraising idea.

  Designed to help any charitable organization with 501c3 tax exempt status the nonprofit fundraising program offered by is like no other. A complete paradigm shift in nonprofit fundraising is what Market America has created.  100% profit for the nonprofit, cash back rewards programs for the supporters of the charitable organization and the highest level of satisfaction available.

  By creating a free web portal offers the supporters of each nonprofit organization a quick easy and reliable source to get the products they need and donate back to their charitable organization. There is no inventory to handle, no sign up sheets to push on friends and family and nothing to deliver. Supporters need only go to the web portal setup at no cost for them by Market America and purchase the products they would normally buy. Through the concept of “Transfer Buying” the shopper get what they need and the nonprofit organization gets money. How much easier could it be? I can’t imagine anything being any easier and totally seamless. Nonprofit jobs are also available through to entrepreneurial individuals. Visit to find out how this can go from a dream to reality.

  How very reassuring it is to know that even in the face of economic pressure and donation deficits, there are companies and individuals who are still willing to create programs that support not for profit organizations. Examples and demonstration videos are readily available at the links listed above and web portals at:

  If you or anyone you know are involved in a nonprofit, charitable organization this is “must see” information so please pass it along.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

  Facing the effects of the pending “Fiscal Cliff” many not for profit organizations and charitable organizations are now looking to an uncertain future. The economy in general may not be able to support the needs of select nonprofits and also carries no guarantee when it comes to nonprofit jobs.

  501c3 is a tax designation given to nonprofit organizations. The unknown status of tax laws or spending cuts has placed the whole nation under a cloud of uncertainty. This leaves not for profit organizations to fend for themselves, when it comes to fundraising and nonprofit job creation.

  I have found a great way for charitable organizations to raise funds and not ask the supporters of the nonprofit to spend extra money or use other resources to create revenue. Just visit for more information on this amazing program I discovered.

  The nonprofit web portal is free to any 501c3 nonprofit organization. It is 100% profit and there is no inventory to carry or deliveries to make. The supporters of the not for profit simply buy the items they normally would purchase and the donations are accrued through the web portal and sent directly to the nonprofit.

  It seems too good to be true, that something this easy could even exist. Yet, it is true. The nonprofit organization merely has to fill out the required form and have a qualified UnFranchised Owner submit the form to Market America / for approval. After the web portal is setup (typically a 2 week process) the supporters need merely browse for the products they need and purchase. The revenue for each purchase in turn creates revenue for the nonprofit organization and each customer also gets a personal cash back account for their own personal use or they can in turn donate that back to the nonprofit. Easy, easy, easy…it couldn’t be any easier.

  I had to look into this opportunity myself to find out if it was really true. Upon investigation I not only realized how great this offer is for anyone looking to raise revenue for a nonprofit, I also found that offers nonprofit job opportunities. For anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit and a desire to help I would recommend you start by visiting here:

  Yes there is a ray of hope for nonprofit fundraising and yes, some things that seem too good to be true really are true. It kinda makes me warm and fuzzy all over!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Non Profit Fundraising, 501c3

  Recently I started looking into Non-Profit Fundraising. I wanted to know everything I could find out about Non Profit Organizations.  Not being certain what a nonprofit organization is, or how to start a nonprofit, I set out to gather as much information as possible.

  The United States Government Tax Dept. or IRS designates not for profit as 501c3. Anyone or any charitable organization falls under this category. When checking online, I was amazed by the millions of individuals and organizations claiming nonprofit status.

  Fundraising ideas and corporations offering “fundraising” for nonprofits are so numerous I soon realized that one person could never find them all. I was personally surprised by the huge number of fundraising ideas offered in exchange for profit by individuals who obviously make money from nonprofit organizations, then in turn relieved that there are many people who are really interested in helping by offering fundraising ideas for free. Information about how to fundraise and how to raise money are plentiful and many are open honest and free of charge. Even fundraising jobs and information on how to start a nonprofit are available.

  Helpful sources for other aspects of nonprofit fundraising include “how to” pages on writing fundraising letters and lists of nonprofit organizations. The resources abound for anyone looking to find quality information concerning nonprofit 501c3 establishments.

  The most promising discovery I made was finding Market America / and the NPO program that they have. By offering a free web portal to anyone or any establishment with 501c3 status, ma/ has changed completely the nonprofit fundraising concept. 100% profit is not something any of the top establishments are offering for their “help” online. That is what makes the Market America/ program so completely different from anything else available.

  Not only has ma/ caused a paradigm shift in the online product brokerage industry, they have also changed the way nonprofit organizations can offer fundraising and revenue creation to their supporters. Through the free web portal setup by Market America/, the supporters from each nonprofit simply shop for the everyday items they would normally purchase and through that process they create revenue for the nonprofit organization.

  Sound too good to be true? It’s easy, easy, easy…no catch, no hidden charges, and no tricks. Market America/ sets up a free web portal for any nonprofit/charitable organization. Then the supporters transfer money they are already spending to the web portal and buy the everyday things they are buying anyway. Then ma/ donates back to the nonprofit…how’s that song go? ”Money for nothing”…la, la, la!

  I found this amazing opportunity at and then found a link that offers even more information at